Numbers: Integers
The number #12# can be written as the product #\blue{3\times 4}#. We call #\blue{3\times 4}# a #\blue{\textbf{factorization}}# of #12#, since we factorized #12# into two factors that are both smaller than #12#. The product #\red{12\times 1}# is #\red{\textbf{not}}# a factorization of #12#, because the factor #12# is not smaller than #12#. In this case, we did not factorize #12#. Not every number can be factorized. For example, it does not work with the number #7#. If we write a positive integer as a product of smaller positive integers, |
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Because #8# can be written as #2 \times 4# (among other options), #8# can be factorized.
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